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As the capsule coffee originated and what's inside the capsule? Myths and Facts

As the capsule coffee originated and what's inside the capsule? Myths and Facts

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As the capsule coffee originated?

    Espresso originated in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. From that moment, the coffee process was constantly improved until a Swiss engineer and inventor Eric Favre patented the first capsule coffee machine. “The Swiss make terrible coffee,” his wife, Anna Maria, joked, and by then the forty-year-old engineer had decided to start a revolution. He settles in the packaging department of Nestlé to gain experience, and later he and his wife go to Italy, where they ask the best barista about the secrets of making espresso. “It's all about oxidation,” they explain, showing how steam passes through coffee in manual espresso machines. So the engineer decides to create a coffee machine, where the maximum amount of air would pass through the coffee, because this way the aroma should open even better. Already in 1978, he patented the invention, and in 1986 the first capsule coffee machines appeared on sale.

Let's analyze the popular capsule coffee myths

  1. Storage. What's inside the capsules? Sometimes you can hear that the capsules contain impurities and substances. The myth came from the popular lines of capsules (which are also presented in Ukraine) to which, in addition to the product itself, added milk powder, sweetener, etc. Thus, in Europe, the law stipulates that a product that contains only natural coffee can be called COFFEE. And everything else, including most of the position of the famous brand Dolce Gusto - is COFFEE DRINK. We are for natural and organic product. Therefore, in our store only coffee items are presented. If coffee - then only natural ground beans, and nothing more.
  2. Taste. "Grain coffee is probably tastier," our customers ask. And we are happy to explain. When extracting coffee, there are many nuances that affect its taste. This includes grinding coarseness, weighting, temperature and extraction time, and even pressure. Capsule coffee is produced at modern technological enterprises, where the parameters of grinding, weighting and degassing have clear indicators. Using grain coffee machines of low and medium price range (up to 800-1200 dollars), be prepared that technically complex units will not give the verified accuracy, and therefore will not reveal all the aromas and taste of coffee. At the same time, the capsule coffee maker has clearly defined parameters, so you can be sure that the taste will be exactly as it should be.
  3. Price. It is believed that capsule coffee is more expensive than ground. This is true because the production of capsule coffee uses additional packaging (capsule and metallized foil). But the difference in cost is only 15-20%, which is a guarantee of quality and aroma of the drink. The cost of our capsules starts from UAH 7, but remember that this price includes free use of the coffee machine + courier coffee delivery + maintenance.

6 April, 2020
Comments (2)

Энни Марк6 October, 2019

На прошлой неделе мы рассказывали о том, как в реестре npm обнаружили несколько десятков пакетов, которые воруют данные из переменных окружения

Сэм Фишер6 October, 2019

В рамках настоящей публикации, являющейся продолжением предыдущих публикаций, планирую кратко проиллюстрировать, тезис о том, что применение в бизнесе R экосистемы прекрасно вписывается в задачу перехода к цифровой экономике.